Curriculum Vitae

NAME: Bosseler, Bert Hermann
Title: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
ADDRESS: Wilhelmshöhe 18
41751, Germany
TELEPHONE: + 49 – 209 – 17806-0 (work)
+ 49 – 2153 – 953770 (home)
+ 49 – 172 – 2361276 (mobile)
EMAIL ADDRESS: bosseler[at]
STATUS: Married (2 children)
PROFILE: Research and science, in particular practical research for utilities and government interacting with academic and professional institutions. Teaching experience (universities) with focus on underground sewer systems (construction, operation, rehabilitaton).
ORGANIZATION: IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure, Germany,
(IKT – Institut für Unterirdische Infrastruktur gGmbH, i.e. non profit Ltd.)


Scientific Director
(since 2000)
QUALIFICATION/DEGREE: 2006-2010 University of Hanover
Habilitation, second book (Privatdozent, Priv.-Doz.)
1994-1997 University of Bochum (Ruhr)
PhD, civil engineering (Dr.-Ing.),
“with honor”
1988-1994 University of Bochum (Ruhr)
MSc, civil engineering (Diplom-Ingenieur)
1991/1992 University of Campinas, Sao Paulo
Environmental engineering, waste treatment course
1977-1986 German Secondary School
General qualification for university entrance (“Abitur”)


1988 Final Examination as Bank Clerk
(IHK, Commerzbank AG, Germany)
1986-1988 Training (German Dual Education)
as Bank Clerk, Commerzbank AG


German – mother tongue
English – business/science
Dutch, French – advanced knowledge
Spanish, Portuguese – basic knowledge


Oct 2006 – PRESENT : Leibniz Universität Hanover

Private Lecturer for Pipeline Construction and Maintenance, since 2010 as “Privatdozent” (includes the right to supervise PhDs), since 2014 as Honorary Professor, at IGtH, Institute for Geotechnical Engineering (former IGBE, Institute of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Water Power Engineering)

Mar 2006 – 2014 : Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Private Lecturer in postgraduate studies “Water and Environment”.

Okt 2012 – PRESENT : Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Private Lecturer in “Sewer and Pipeline Maintenance and Network Management” at TLB – Institute for tunnelling and construction management,


Spokesperson “Cities and Infrastructure”; JRF – Johannes Rau Research Foundation
German Delegate / Expert / Member / Liaison of:
– ISO TC 268/SC1 Smart community infrastructures
– ISO TC 224 Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems and services
– ISO TC 224/WG15 Smart water management
– ISO TC 224/WG16 Climate change adaption
– CEN TC 165 Waste water engineering
– DIN NA 119-07-02 (German mirror comittee to ISO TC 224): Management und Dienstleistungen Trinkwasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung
– DIN NA 172-00-12 (German mirror comittee to ISO TC 268): Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Kommunen
– DIN FBR (German mirror comittee to CEN TC 165): Abwassertechnik


Oct 2000 – PRESENT : IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure, Gelsenkirchen, Germany,
Position Held: Scientific Director

IKT – Institute for Underground Infrastructure (IKT gGmbH, i.e. IKT non-profit Ltd.) is a neutral, independent, non-profit research, testing and consulting institute (Turn over: 4 m€/a). It works on questions of the construction of underground pipes and networks for gas, water and waste-water. As an independent and reliable partner for utilities, sewer system operators, water associations and industry the IKT offers highly specialized research and testing technologies in a practical, application-orientated manner. The cooperation of water management and research is practice since its establishment in 1994. Well-known companies for water supply/distribution and sewerage are working within the IKT supporting bodies (about 150 utilities/network operators, about 70 partners from industry).

Nov 1997 – Sep 2000 : Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband
Position Held: Supervisor Technical Controlling, Executive Assistant
Emschergenossenschaft was founded in 1899 as the first German water association in Bochum, Lippeverband joined it in 1926. In the catchment area of its rivers live about 3.7 million people. The Emschergenossenschaft operates 4 big waste water treatment plants, 102 drainage pumping plants and 199 km of closed sewers in this area. The most important tasks of the water association with today’s seat in Essen are sewage cleaning, securement of run-off, flood control and body of water maintenance. Since 1990 in focus: plans for 400 km of new large sewer mains and the renaturation of all bodies of water. Emschergenossenschaft invests 4.4 billion Euro until 2027; with 1500 employees.

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